Wednesday, December 7, 2011

November 2011

So, I am a little late getting the post up this month but it’s the Christmas season…what do you expect?! Anyways, once again not a whole lot has gone on this month. We are becoming quite the boring family :) That, or I am just a slacker at doing things with my kids and actually taking pictures of it…very possible!

Youth rifle deer season started off this month. Brevin took Keaton out hunting on opening day and what do you know….they got one!

Just as Brevin decided it was about time to leave, out popped a buck! Brevin was awfully proud of Keaton (and himself :)).

I did a craft show this month in Neosho for my scarves. I think I am done with trying to sell those stupid things! I am tired of spending time and money on making the things and then only selling 4…barely enough to cover the cost of the booth! So, the scarves and hats are in a box in the attic and they will stay there until I decide to donate them to somewhere or by some miracle someone decides to buy some of them. FRUSTRATING!!

We had a little bit of a hiccup this month with our sewer system. We are connected to city sewer, but we have a sewer lift because Joplin city sewer is up the hill in our backyard and because of the grade of the hill it has to be pumped up there…well, our pump went out. So, we had about a week where we couldn’t flush the toilets, run water, do ANYTHING without having to go out and manually pump out the hole in the backyard so we didn’t have a sewer overflow. So, we called the city of Joplin and a plumber and both of them just told us to hook into the new Duquesne city sewer that they put in along the side of our house that goes downhill and would be perfect for us and easy to tap into. So, the plumber came and dug the hole (which he wasn’t supposed to do) and then went to Duquesne city to get his permit to do the digging (which should have been done FIRST) and they wouldn’t give it to him. So, he calls me to have me go over to the office to straighten everything out. Come to find out it will cost us $500 to tap into Duquesne city sewer and then (because we are “out of town”) another $75 a month on TOP of our current sewer bill for a usage fee!! So, we told the plumber to leave, replaced the pump, and are slowly filling in the big old hole in our backyard by hand. It was very stressful and ended up costing us a whopping $1200 to fix, but all is better now and we are back to normal. Thank goodness!!

We had Thanksgiving at Brevin’s parents house this year. Not everyone was able to make it, but it was a TON of fun!! Of course the food was delicious! We played a game after dinner (What’s Yours Like?) with everyone….that is the most fun I have had playing a game with a group of people in a LONG time! We were all laughing so hard by the end of the game that my side hurt and I had tears streaming down my face! The kids had fun playing together and, of course, they didn’t want to go home yet so they asked to have sleepovers. Aspen wanted to sleep over at Kailey’s house and Kaleb wanted to sleep at Hadley’s house. We weren’t sure at first how having Kaleb sleep over was going to work out, but they had a BLAST together! I was so surprised at how well those two went to sleep! We put them in Aspen’s bed together since they wouldn’t fit in Hadley’s bed.

Not an extremely eventful month, but not boring by any means! Hopefully I will have more pictures next month. Do I say that every month? :)

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