Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Can You Find Aspen???

So, yesterday I was in the kitchen doing the dishes, the girls were in the front room playing, the morning was going great...or so I thought. All of a sudden I hear this blood-curdling scream come from the front room, it was Aspen. Then she yells, "HADLEY, GET OFF OF ME!!!!" So, I run to the front room thinking that Hadley would have tackled Aspen trying to play with her or something. This is what I found...

Can you find Aspen??

This is Hadley's reaction to getting in trouble for trapping her sister in the laundry basket...

And this is Aspen's reaction (after she stopped bawling) to her sister trapping her in the laundry basket...

I love my girls to death, but they sure do fight like boys!!!


  1. Love the face on Hadley, so stinking cute! Reagan is starting to stand up to Addison, and so we have had a few fights too.
